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1月. 30, 2024

Donation of family collection to Northwest reveals depth of graduate’s military career, White House connection

Just days before leaving the White House at the end of his term in 1月 1953, President Harry Truman wrote to Maj. 并赞扬米勒作为白宫助理医生对杜鲁门家庭和工作人员所给予的关注.

A letter Harry Truman wrote after his presidency to the Miller family, thanking them for a Christmas card. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

A letter Harry Truman wrote after his presidency to the Miller family, thanking them for a Christmas card. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

A framed portrait of Ray Miller, 在加入密苏里州国民警卫队第128野战炮兵部队后,他的军事生涯非常辉煌

A framed portrait of Ray Miller, 在加入密苏里州国民警卫队第128野战炮兵部队后,他的军事生涯非常辉煌

“Your personality, character, and medical skill are highly praiseworthy. 我很高兴地祝贺你在白宫履行职责时表现出色,” reads the letter, 这封信是由哈里·杜鲁门用黑色墨水签名,打印在带有白宫抬头的白纸上的吗.

对米勒, a 1937 Northwest graduate, 在他卓越的军事和医疗生涯中,这只是一项值得注意的成就,在他的子女将他的大量个人文物捐赠给大学后,这项成就将受到新的关注. Among the dozens of items University 档案 received are Ray’s medical equipment, military uniforms, 别针与荣誉, diaries written while he was a high school student and serving in World War II, 总统的旅行日志和照片,以及杜鲁门和米勒家族之间的其他书面通信.

At Northwest, unfortunately, Ray’s story had been lost to the passage of time. It was only when the eldest of his three sons, 道格•米勒, 联系了学校,想要占有这些文物,这让雷成功的职业生涯获得了新的曙光. 

“这是一个我从未在任何西北历史书中看到过的故事,或者任何他与西北有任何联系的东西,——杰西卡·维斯特, the University’s archivist, 说. “It’s neat that this all kind of uncovered somebody we had lost track of, so to speak.”

雷于1913年出生于马里维尔,父母是纳撒尼尔·米勒和弗洛伦斯·米勒,是四个孩子中的老大。17岁时,他加入了密苏里州国民警卫队第128野战炮兵部队,开始了他辉煌的军事生涯. After graduating from Maryville High School, 他在当时的西北密苏里州立师范学院获得了生物学教育学学士学位.

在那段时间里, he wed 维吉尼亚州 “Ginnie” Yates, a native of Shenandoah, 爱荷华州, who attended Northwest briefly. 这对夫妇结婚57年,在塔科马度过最后的几十年之前,他们生活在世界各地, 华盛顿. Ray died in 1991, and Ginnie died in 2004; both are interred at Arlington National Cemetery.

“He always wanted to be a doctor, and he somehow managed to find the funds during the Great Depression to go to med school,道格说. “He lived and died medicine. Up until his death, he continued to work seven days a week. He’d be a cardiologist five days a week at Western Clinic in Tacoma. Day six and seven – Saturdays and Sundays – he’d put in rounds at nursing homes in Tacoma. So he was incredibly proud of that and his military career especially.”

雷·米勒捐赠给<a href='http://496.afroradionetwork.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>的一些医疗设备包括装有听诊器和血压袖带的医生包, along with a microscope, field surgery kits and his surgical glasses.

雷·米勒捐赠给网上赌博网站十大排行的一些医疗设备包括装有听诊器和血压袖带的医生包, along with a microscope, field surgery kits and his surgical glasses.

In 1940, as the U.S. edged 关闭r to entering World War II, 雷是密苏里-哥伦比亚大学医学院的一名大二学生,当时他所在的警卫队被动员起来. 战争期间,他先后在英国和德国服役,并作为第一集团军的一名坦克歼击炮兵军官参加了诺曼底登陆. 奥马尔·布拉德利.

After Ray returned to the United States in 1945, 他辞去了陆军中校的职务,加入陆军预备役,继续他的医学研究. Ginnie worked as a typist in the war department at the Pentagon, and the couple started their family in Arlington, 维吉尼亚州.

然后在1950年, barely a graduate from George 华盛顿 Medical School, 雷被邀请加入杜鲁门家族的医疗团队,担任陆军上尉,直到杜鲁门离开白宫. As a native of Missouri and member of the 128th Field Artillery during World War I, Truman was well-connected with Maryville veterans. In fact, he visited the Northwest campus on Feb. 6, 1955, to participate in the dedication ceremony of its National Guard Armory building, which is the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center today.

详细记录杜鲁门总统旅行的日志是雷·米勒捐赠给<a href='http://496.afroradionetwork.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>的文物的一部分.


Ray served in the White House under Gen. 除了与格雷厄姆轮流负责沃尔特·里德陆军医院的病人外,他还负责白宫居民和访客的医疗保健.

Although Doug was a young boy when the Trumans occupied the White House, he remembers several stories that have become Miller family lore, including a night in March 1952 when Madge Wallace, the president’s mother-in-law, wanted to see the Millers’ youngest son after his birth.

“夫人. Wallace called my mother and 说, ‘I’m sending a limo to the house. I want to see the baby,’” Doug recalled. “This limo pulled up in front of this quite modest apartment complex in Arlington, and my mom and my newborn baby brother were loaded into a limo and went to the White House. (华莱士)从我妈妈手里接过孩子,在白宫私人住宅区用摇椅摇了摇我弟弟.”

After the Truman presidency, 1955年至1959年,雷作为一名少校重返现役,再次在英国和德国服役. 在60年代, he accepted assignments as chief of medicine at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, 北卡罗来纳州的布拉格堡和华盛顿州的刘易斯堡,之后他被派往越南服役, where he served in 1966 and 1967 as commander of the 44th Medical Brigade, overseeing 17 MASH hospitals. 他被授予一级技术奖章,以表彰他作为医务主任的服务和功绩军团, the Army’s second-highest decoration for duties not involving ground combat.

1968年,雷回到福吉谷,以上校的身份结束了他26年的陆军生涯. 他作为塔科马西部诊所的内科医生和塔科马路德之家的医疗主任在华盛顿州度过了余生.

背心, with the assistance of three public history students last spring, processed and cataloged the Miller family’s collection. As exhibits are rotated in campus spaces, the items from Ray’s career will be included, as they were last fall at Veterans Commons in Valk Center.

山姆Meservey, a junior history major from Chillicothe, helped catalog Ray Miller’s medical tools as an intern in University 档案.

山姆Meservey, a junior history major from Chillicothe, helped catalog Ray Miller’s medical tools as an intern in University 档案.

大学档案馆的实习为像Mary Do这样的历史系学生提供了独特的经历,帮助他们在为职业做准备的同时应用在课程中学到的技能. Do, a junior marine biology major and public history minor from Kansas City, 有兴趣将她在网上赌博网站十大排行学到的展示和保存技能应用到水族馆或科学博物馆工作吗.

网上赌博网站十大排行的小学校和玛丽维尔小镇通过雷建立了如此惊人的联系,这太酷了,他说. “Who would’ve thought that we would have stuff that was written by a previous president? 看到有这么多东西进入了网上赌博网站十大排行的大学档案馆,看到网上赌博网站十大排行有这么多东西可以保存并展示给公众,这真是太酷了.”

除了以专业为基础的学习机会,这些收藏现在可以为大学的学生和研究人员提供, 道格希望他父亲的文物能成为这位玛丽维尔本地人和正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台的灵感和骄傲之源,他的军事和医疗成就为他赢得了阿灵顿国家公墓的全部荣誉. 

“You can do anything if you set your mind to it, 本质上, and that’s what he taught us as boys growing up,道格说. “这是网上赌博网站十大排行从父亲那里学到的最重要的信条之一,如果你愿意投入时间和精力,你就能取得任何成就.”

这个故事的缩短版刊登在《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台杂志》2023年冬季版上. View the print version of the magazine in its entirety by clicking here.


Dr. 马克Hornickel
Administration Building

