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1月. 18, 2024

Scholarship honors parents of Northwest alumnus, commitment to education

A loyal 网上赌博网站十大排行 alumnus is extending his support of the institution through the creation of a scholarship honoring his late parents.

Michael Faust, a 1974 graduate of the University and a member of the 西北的基础 2002年至2020年,成立了E.G. 玛丽·浮士德奖学金. Michael’s father passed away in 2013 and his mother in 2022.



E.G. 玛丽·浮士德

E.G. 玛丽·浮士德

Graduates of Atlantic High School in Michael’s hometown in Atlantic, 爱荷华州, 有资格获得年度奖学金吗. It was awarded for the first time last fall to Brianna Wilson, 初级基础教育和特殊教育专业.

“A degree in elementary and special education has been a long-term goal of mine,威尔逊说, who wants to become a special education teacher in an elementary school setting after completing her degree at Northwest. “I’ve always been passionate about children and making a difference in their lives. This scholarship has made funding these goals possible, and I’m very grateful for this opportunity.”

埃弗雷特·浮士德,又叫"红"又叫" E.G.——在爱荷华州的厄尔温开始了他的电台生涯. 有几个合作伙伴, he purchased KJAN Radio in Atlantic in 1955 and rapidly advanced to become the station’s longtime president. 在20世纪70年代,E.G是爱荷华州有线通信公司的联合创始人. In 1985, 在KJAN工作了30年后, he retired and was promptly inducted into the 爱荷华州 Broadcasters Association Hall of Fame.

他是美国空军的一名老兵.S. 军队, he was a consummate civic volunteer who served as president of the Atlantic Chamber of Commerce and Atlantic Rotary and commander of his American Legion post. He was founder and president of the Atlantic Industrial Development Corporation. He was a member of the Elks and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was honored with the Atlantic Jaycees Distinguished Service Award 和 American Legion Post 43 Community Service Award.

E.G. also practiced a lifelong hobby, performing his sleight-of-hand comedy magic act. 有趣的是, childhood friend and classmate who interested him in magic was Bill Andres, 谁当上了塔吉特百货公司的首席执行官.

“Dad was quite good and an in-demand performer across 爱荷华州,迈克尔说. “I view the scholarship as a way to create magic for future Bearcats.”

Mary Faust focused on raising the couple’s five children, 迈克尔是其中最大的, and later began babysitting for several working mothers after the Fausts’ youngest child started grade school.

无论是E.G. 玛丽没有上过大学, 但他们坚定地相信教育的价值, 迈克尔是家里第一个获得学位的人. Mary put her babysitting earnings into a college savings fund that paid a portion of Michael’s tuition to attend Northwest.

“在她生命的最后几年, 当她开始失去视力时, I had to ‘pay her back’ by using my accounting degree to manage her finances and file her tax returns,迈克尔说.

“当时我正在变卖父母的财产, it occurred to me that my name would be more associated with Maryville, 他们和大西洋公司,迈克尔说. “For all they’d done for that town,y deserved to be remembered. I diverted part of my inheritance to a scholarship fund that would benefit graduates of Atlantic High School. It is really my parents’ money that is funding the scholarships.”

Michael’s experience at the University had a deep impact on him, and he is among the longest-serving Board members in the 西北的基础’s history. He became a committee chair in his first year and was board president from 2008 to 2010. He served as chair of the Advancement Committee during the highly successful 永远绿色运动.

Michael retired in 2015 after 36 years with Kiewit Corporation, a Fortune 500 international construction and mining firm based in Omaha, 内布拉斯加州. 作为主席的助理, 他是给高级管理人员写演讲稿的人, 公司杂志的特约编辑, an instructor at Kiewit University and manager of the corporate charitable giving program. 他积极参与社区事务, 担任许多非营利组织的董事, 包括中部联合劝募协会, Omaha Community Foundation 和 Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce. 在退休后, he worked in communication consulting and continued to assist Kiewit chairman emeritus Walter 斯科特 Jr.他于2021年去世.

Since 2008, Michael has been a director of the Suzanne and Walter 斯科特 Foundation. In 2016, 斯科特 Foundation inquired about honoring his long service to Mr. 斯科特, 西北的基础 和 Kiewit Corporation and made a $1 million gift toward the expansion and renovation of the Northwest 校友 House. After completion of the project in 2017, facility was renamed the Michael L. 福斯特校友和朋友中心 以他的名义.

Additionally, Michael served Northwest during the 2015-16 academic year as visiting dean of the 梅尔文D. 和Valorie G. 布斯商学院. He also has provided major gifts to the 西北的基础 in support of the endowed Michael L. 浮士德奖学金基金 罗伯特和弗吉尼亚福斯特健身中心, a Wells Hall的新媒体实验室, 卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯菲尔德豪斯农业学习中心.

“My daily uniform is usually a pair of jeans and a Bearcat polo,迈克尔说. “A lot of times when I'm in Hy-Vee a high school student bagging my groceries will notice the logo and say, ‘Oh, 我在考虑网上赌博网站十大排行,这时他们就会听到我的两分钟推销词. I tell each and every student the same thing: Coming to Northwest was one of the best decisions in my life, and I just want to give high school graduates of today the opportunity to have that same experience that I had.”

有关E.G. 玛丽·浮士德奖学金 or to make a tax-deductible gift to benefit the University, contact Northwest’s Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248或浏览 496.afroradionetwork.com/GiveOnline.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

